Lake Lizzie Community Development District Adopted Budget FY2025 1 2-4 5 6 Amortization Schedule Table of Contents General Fund General Fund Narrative Debt Service - Series 2023 Adopted Actuals Projected Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 6/T3h0r/u24 3 MNeoxntt hs P9r/oT3jhe0rc/ut2ed4 AFBYduo2dp0gt2ee5dt Revenues AADssessveeesslssommpeeennr ttCss o-- nODtnirri ebRcuottlilons $$$ 1 54 93 ,, 05 -4223 $$$ 1 54 893,,,708934525 $$$ --- $$$ 1 54 893,,,078349255 $$$ 2 3 7 , 6 --11 Total Revenues $ 202,566 $ 211,673 $ - $ 211,673 $ 237,611 Expenditures General & Administrative Supervisor Fees 12,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 4,000 $ 12,000 $ FICA Expense 918 $ 153 $ 153 $ 306 $ 918 $ Engineering 15,000 $ - $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 15,000 $ Attorney 25,000 $ 7,196 $ 7,000 $ 14,196 $ 25,000 $ Annual Audit 5,000 $ 3,800 $ - $ 3,800 $ 3,900 $ Assessment Administration 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ Arbitrage 450 $ - $ 450 $ 450 $ 900 $ Dissemination 5,000 $ 3,750 $ 1,250 $ 5,000 $ 6,000 $ Trustee Fees 5,000 $ - $ 4,041 $ 4,041 $ 8,081 $ Management Fees 37,500 $ 28,125 $ 9,375 $ 37,500 $ 40,000 $ Information Technology 1,800 $ 1,350 $ 450 $ 1,800 $ 1,800 $ Website Maintenance 1,200 $ 900 $ 300 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ Telephone 300 $ - $ 50 $ 50 $ 300 $ Postage & Delivery 1,000 $ 62 $ 38 $ 100 $ 1,000 $ Insurance 6,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 6,000 $ Printing & Binding 1,000 $ 27 $ 49 $ 76 $ 1,000 $ Legal Advertising 15,000 $ 733 $ 4,267 $ 5,000 $ 15,000 $ Contingency 3,938 $ 582 $ 194 $ 776 $ 5,000 $ Office Supplies 625 $ 1 $ 19 $ 20 $ 625 $ Travel Per Diem 660 $ - $ 50 $ 50 $ 660 $ Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions 175 $ 175 $ - $ 175 $ 175 $ Total Administrative 142,566 $ 58,856 $ 37,185 $ 96,040 $ 149,559 $ Operation and Maintenance Expenditures Field Management 10,000 $ 7,500 $ 2,500 $ 10,000 $ 10,500 $ Pond Mowing 30,000 $ 15,452 $ 5,151 $ 20,602 $ 30,000 $ Pond Maintenance 10,000 $ 4,968 $ 1,656 $ 6,624 $ 12,000 $ Contingency 10,000 $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 35,552 $ Total Field Expenditures 60,000 $ 27,920 $ 11,807 $ 39,726 $ 88,052 $ Total Expenditures 202,566 $ 86,775 $ 48,991 $ 135,766 $ 237,611 $ Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) - $ 124,898 $ (48,991) $ 75,907 $ - $ Product Total ERU Assessable Units ERU/Unit Net Assessment Net Per Unit Gross Per Unit Single Family 34' 39 52 0.75 $31,097 $598.01 $636.18 Single Family 50' 259 259 1.00 $206,514 $797.35 $848.25 Total ERU's 298 311 $237,611 Lake Lizzie Community Development District General Fund 1 Lake Lizzie Community Development District General Fund Narrative tATRoshe speve aesDysnim sufoteerrnsi ctt:hs t ew oilpl eleravtyi nag n eoxnp-eandd vitauloreresm du arsisnegs tshmee fnistc oanl y aelal rth. e assessable property within the District in order Expenditures: General & Administrative: Supervisor Fees $C4h,a8p0t0e rp 1e9r 0y,e Falro priadiad Stota etuactehs S, ualploewrvsi sfoorr feoarc hth Beo taimrde m deevmobteedr ttoo rDeicsetirvicet $ b2u0s0in peesrs manede tminege, tninogt sto. exceed FICA Expenditures SRuepperervseisnotrss cthhee cEksm. ployer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes withheld from Board of Engineering poTfrh eSepu apDreiasrttviroiiscnot r'fsos rae mnndgo itnnhteehe lDry ibsptorroaicrvtdi dM measen egateginnegres.r ,a rle veniegwin ienevroinicge ss aenrvdi cveasr iotou st hpero jDeicsttsr iacst ,d ier.egc. taetdt ebnyd tahnec Be oaanrdd Attorney STfouhrpe e mDrivesietstroiincrtsg' ssa, n lepdgr atehlp ceao Druaintsistorenilc pta rMnodav nidraeegvse igre.ew n eorfa la lgergeael mseernvticse, sr etos othluet Dioinstsr, icett,c e. .ga.s a tdtiernedcatendc eb ayn dth per eBpoaarradti oonf AoTnnh nea unDa ials nAtrnuiucdati tli sb aresiqsu. ired by Florida Statutes to arrange for an independent audit of its financial records aTAsshsseee ssDssmiasbterlneitc ptA rdwompileiln rcitosytn rwtaritatihocitnn t oth lee Dvyis tarnicdt .a dminister the collection of non-ad valorem assessment on all Arbitrage TAhrbei tDriasgteri Rcte wbailtle c Loinatbrialictty wonit hth aen S ienrdieesp 2e0n2d3en Bto cnedrsti fainedd apnuyb laidc daictcioonuanlt banotn dto i sasnunaunaclely. calculate the District’s DrTehilseas teDemsis itntora iatcidto dinsi trioeqnuali rreedp obryt itnhge rSeeqcuuirrietmy aenndts Efoxrc huannrgaete Cdo bmomndis issisoune sto. comply with Rule 15c2-12(b)(5) which 2 Lake Lizzie Community Development District General Fund Narrative TTrhues Dteies tFreicets will pay annual trustee fees for Revenue Bonds that are deposited with a Trustee. Management Fees p nTArohgetre pe Daelirmmiasettirtinoeictdn tw , ratietlolhc , fe iGinrvoeaevcnsoec rrMidnalaim nrngeea npgtoaearnmlt dsMe ,n aattrnn, anaAngucseaccmlor aiuepunntdtitoii nStnseg ,r eaovtnifcc d.e b sAo-Cadremdni tnrmiaslet rFealtotinirvgieds a,s ,e aLrdLvmCic. ieTnshi saets rs aeptriavvreitc eossfe iarnv cMilcuaedns,ea gbbeuumtd aegrneett fIcRrnoeafnpoufrrdeme rpseaerntnoicottiesnn c gcTt oiseosecntrhs,v n airoccelceolosag,ut yecn ldtoi untodg ssthotofetr waDgaiesrt esr,ei tcratv’bsilc eeintssf oafonrmrd m asteeiroevtnei nrsgsy,s sp,t Aoemdsiotsib,v ewe, Mphaiicychr i omisnopcfllteu mOdefef inbcteua,t te iaotcrn.e a nnodt plrimogirteadm mtoi nvgid feoor Website Maintenance Su Rmtpeoadptnuariettteoessesr,.in ndtTgsoh ctaeuhnsmeed ec smnoestar tuvisnp icwtleaoisiatn hdii snnG,gc ohl uvothedsertein nDmsgii tesaetnn rtdipac eldt ’rMosf omawrnameaibnags nerimecteene ecnawrtse asSaelestse,rs vdwmi ecieenbns st ais–tc,e cC sobeerancdcutkarrnuaitlcp yesF ,l awoentricidtd.h a f,iC rLheLawCpa tlaels rs mo1ac8ii9na,tt eeFdnlo awrniicdteha, Telephone Telephone and fax machine. Postage & Delivery T cohrer eDspisotnridcet nicnec, uertsc . charges for mailing of Board meeting agenda packages, overnight deliveries, Insurance The District’s general liability and public official’s liability insurance coverages. Printing & Binding ePnrivnetlionpge asn, edt cB.i nding agenda packages for board meetings, printing of computerized checks, stationary, Legal Advertising Ta hnee wDissptaripcet ri so rf egqeunierreadl tcoir acduvlaetriotinse. various notices for monthly Board meetings, public hearings, etc. in BCoanntki ncgheanrcgye s and any other miscellaneous expenses incurred during the year. 3 Lake Lizzie Community Development District General Fund Narrative Office Supplies Any supplies that may need to be purchased during the fiscal year, e.g., paper, l abels, paper clips, etc. minute books, file folders, Travel Per Diem bTuhsei nBeosasr.d of Supervisors can be reimbursed for travel expenditures related to the conducting of District Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions $T1h7e5 D. iTsthriisc ti si sth ree qounilrye edx ptoe npsaey u annd earn tnhuias lc faetee gtoor yth feo rF tlohrei dDais Dtreicpta. rtment of Economic Opportunity for Operations and Maintenance: Field Expenditures Field Management fRmroeeersp eprttoheinnsedge sn Dt toiwss pttirhrtihoec p tec esosrtuntimyctr hoaa wtcaetsndo e rclrsao ,np smdthsso oocnnafe ipct coeoan rliatlnrsnag dac n tolidfan keguem ts iealmiritvlyasi i.c na etcsec tnohauanntc tpesr., oaSvteitdreveni ocden sBs iotceaa rnfdi e ilmndc melueatdniena ggosen masnietdne t rionefsc cpeoievncettr ioaancntsds, Pond Mowing This represents the mowing, and weed control on the turf in Pond tracts. Pond Maintenance Represents Pond maintenance for the District. CRoenptriensgeenntcsy a ny additional field expense that may not have been provided for in the budget. 4 Adopted Actuals Projected Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 6/T3h0r/u24 3 MNeoxntths P9r/To3jhe0rc/ut2e4d AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee5dt ICARnsaetsrveerersynes Fsmutoe eIrsnnwctasor mde Surplus * $$$ --- $$$ 2 4 6 007,,,532421706 $$$ 2 , 4 --05 $$$ 2 46 00 9,,,536422702 $$$ 12 04 06 4,,,058221571 Total Revenues $ - $ 308,084 $ 2,405 $ 310,489 $ 351,362 Expenses IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt -l- 1-0 105/5/0/01011 $$$ --- $$$ 559038,,,019006035 $$$ --- $$$ 559038,,,019006035 $$$ 599115,,,099077088 Total Expenditures $ - $ 202,067 $ - $ 202,067 $ 238,955 Other Financing Sources/(Uses) Transfer In/(Out) $ - $ (1,895) $ - $ (1,895) $ - Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) $ - $ (1,895) $ - $ (1,895) $ - Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ - $ 104,121 $ 2,405 $ 106,527 $ 112,407 *Carry forward less amount in Reserve funds. Series 2023 Interest - 11/01/25 $90,740 Add: DiscGoruNonsestts AA &sss sCeeossssllmmeceetnniottnss $ $ 22$451055,0,,33242561 Product * Assessable Units Annual Debt Service Net Per Unit Gross Per Unit SSiinnggllee FFaammiillyy 3504'' 15421 $$16718,,099286..9082 $$11,,126748..9988 $$11,,234499..9988 Total ERU's 193 $240,025 Lake Lizzie Community Development District Debt Service Fund Series 2023 5 Lake Lizzie Community Development District Series 2023 Special Assessment Bonds Amortization Schedule Date Balance Prinicpal Interest Total 11/01/24 3,485,000.00 $ - $ 91,977.50 $ 235,080.00 $ 05/01/25 3,485,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 91,977.50 $ 11/01/25 3,315,000.00 $ - $ 90,740.00 $ 237,717.50 $ 05/01/26 3,250,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 90,740.00 $ 11/01/26 3,250,000.00 $ - $ 89,502.50 $ 235,242.50 $ 05/01/27 3,250,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 89,502.50 $ 11/01/27 3,250,000.00 $ - $ 88,152.50 $ 237,655.00 $ 05/01/28 3,250,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 88,152.50 $ 11/01/28 3,250,000.00 $ - $ 86,690.00 $ 239,842.50 $ 05/01/29 3,250,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 86,690.00 $ 11/01/29 3,185,000.00 $ - $ 85,195.00 $ 236,885.00 $ 05/01/30 3,185,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 85,195.00 $ 11/01/30 3,115,000.00 $ - $ 83,585.00 $ 238,780.00 $ 05/01/31 3,115,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 83,585.00 $ 11/01/31 2,890,000.00 $ - $ 81,975.00 $ 235,560.00 $ 05/01/32 2,890,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 81,975.00 $ 11/01/32 2,890,000.00 $ - $ 80,250.00 $ 237,225.00 $ 05/01/33 2,890,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 80,250.00 $ 11/01/33 2,890,000.00 $ - $ 78,410.00 $ 238,660.00 $ 05/01/34 2,890,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 78,410.00 $ 11/01/34 2,805,000.00 $ - $ 76,157.50 $ 239,567.50 $ 05/01/35 2,805,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 76,157.50 $ 11/01/35 2,715,000.00 $ - $ 73,772.50 $ 239,930.00 $ 05/01/36 2,715,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 73,772.50 $ 11/01/36 2,625,000.00 $ - $ 71,387.50 $ 235,160.00 $ 05/01/37 2,625,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 71,387.50 $ 11/01/37 2,530,000.00 $ - $ 68,870.00 $ 235,257.50 $ 05/01/38 2,530,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 68,870.00 $ 11/01/38 2,430,000.00 $ - $ 66,220.00 $ 235,090.00 $ 05/01/39 2,430,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 66,220.00 $ 11/01/39 2,320,000.00 $ - $ 63,305.00 $ 239,525.00 $ 05/01/40 2,320,000.00 $ 115,000.00 $ 63,305.00 $ 11/01/40 2,205,000.00 $ - $ 60,257.50 $ 238,562.50 $ 05/01/41 2,205,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 60,257.50 $ 11/01/41 1,960,000.00 $ - $ 57,077.50 $ 237,335.00 $ 05/01/42 1,825,000.00 $ 125,000.00 $ 57,077.50 $ 11/01/42 1,825,000.00 $ - $ 53,765.00 $ 235,842.50 $ 05/01/43 1,825,000.00 $ 135,000.00 $ 53,765.00 $ 11/01/43 1,825,000.00 $ - $ 50,187.50 $ 238,952.50 $ 05/01/44 1,825,000.00 $ 140,000.00 $ 50,187.50 $ 11/01/44 1,685,000.00 $ - $ 46,337.50 $ 236,525.00 $ 05/01/45 1,685,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 46,337.50 $ 11/01/45 1,535,000.00 $ - $ 42,212.50 $ 238,550.00 $ 05/01/46 1,535,000.00 $ 160,000.00 $ 42,212.50 $ 11/01/46 1,375,000.00 $ - $ 37,812.50 $ 240,025.00 $ 05/01/47 1,375,000.00 $ 165,000.00 $ 37,812.50 $ 11/01/47 1,210,000.00 $ - $ 33,275.00 $ 236,087.50 $ 05/01/48 1,210,000.00 $ 175,000.00 $ 33,275.00 $ 11/01/48 1,035,000.00 $ - $ 28,462.50 $ 236,737.50 $ 05/01/49 1,035,000.00 $ 185,000.00 $ 28,462.50 $ 11/01/49 850,000.00 $ - $ 23,375.00 $ 236,837.50 $ 05/01/50 850,000.00 $ 195,000.00 $ 23,375.00 $ 11/01/50 655,000.00 $ - $ 18,012.50 $ 236,387.50 $ 05/01/51 655,000.00 $ 205,000.00 $ 18,012.50 $ 11/01/51 450,000.00 $ - $ 12,375.00 $ 235,387.50 $ 05/01/52 450,000.00 $ 220,000.00 $ 12,375.00 $ 11/01/52 230,000.00 $ - $ 6,325.00 $ 238,700.00 $ 05/01/53 230,000.00 $ 230,000.00 $ 6,325.00 $ 236,325.00 $ 3,535,000.00 $ 3,643,397.42 $ 7,178,397.42 $ 6